Advanced Skincare

A wide range of advanced facials available…

Here at JM MediSpa we use Eve Taylor, EvalineSpa and Image skincare for our spa and advanced facials. We offer a wide range of skin treatments and believe we have created something for everyone.

Advanced Facials   |   Prices

Experienced advanced facial therapists who are highly skilled skin practitioners…

All of the therapists at JM MediSpa are highly skilled skin practitioners. As well as having a wealth of experience they have also been in house trained by Jessica in all of her facials to ensure you are receiving the most beautiful skin treatment possible. Jessica has devised each and every treatment herself ensuring the most up to date techniques and products are used enabling you to see great results time and time again. Before each facial your therapist will check you are in good health, provide a full consultation and explain your facial procedure. Full aftercare will be given post treatment and there will be the opportunity to acquire samples or take home your favourite products from our retail range. All of our skin treatments are suitable for both males and females.

Please take a look at all of our advanced facials we have to offer and call us today to make your appointment.

Advanced Facials…

Clear and Clarify / Diamond Dermabrasion / Advanced Skincare

Clear & Clarify

Does your skin look tired and dull? Are you beginning to notice fine lines and wrinkles? Then try diamond dermabrasion for a revitalised, fresh, glowing complexion.*

Diamond dermabrasion is a simple yet effective means of rejuvenating and polishing your skin, with immediately visible results.* JM MediSpa offers diamond dermabrasion, which is a faster, more comfortable procedure than any other dermabrasion treatment. State-of-the-art diamond technology is used to make the dermabrasion wand gentler than ever before.

*Results may vary from person to person

Procedure Time: 25 or 55 minutes.
Back To Work: Immediately.
Aneasthetic: None.
Full Recovery: Immediately.
Results: Visible immediately, course of 6 treatments recommended for optimum results *.
Duration Of Results: Eight weeks *.
Risks & Complications: Redness, skin irritation *.

What is microdermabrasion used for?
This procedure can be used to treat:

  • Dull, dehydrated skin.
  • Lines and wrinkles.
  • Sun-damaged skin.
  • Clogged pores and blackheads.
  • Acne and acne scars.

Diamond dermabrasion is an intensive, medical-grade skin exfoliation treatment, which smoothes and removes the top outer layer of skin.

It is performed using natural diamond-tipped wands that exfoliate the skin, reducing the visibility of wrinkles, lines, scars, and other imperfections and signs of ageing. The diamond dermabrasion process also helps to encourage the production of collagen, which keeps skin firm and young-looking.

You should notice some improvement straight away*, but we recommend a full course of 6 treatments (one session per week) for optimum results.

Full list of side effects, cautions and contraindications will be discussed face to face at your consultation pre treatment.

Do not apply pressure or hot water to the treated area within 48 hours of procedure. SPF necessary whilst in sunlight, and facial moisturisers are advised to keep your skin healthy after the treatment.

55 minutes £56.00
Express: 25 minutes £36.00

Luminous Lift / LED light skin therapy

Luminous Lift

LED light skin therapy is a non-invasive facial treatment that is relaxing, painless, and extremely beneficial to the skin.

As part of this therapy, a group of bright, light-emitting diodes are placed over the face, allowing low-level light energy to penetrate deeply into the skin–stimulating its natural healing properties while eliminating troublesome bacteria.

The first part of an LED facial is a deep cleansing treatment including diamond dermabrasion exfoliation, to ensure that the skin is as pure as possible and therefore fully ready to receive the LED treatment and benefit from it.

Then, while you relax comfortably, the LED machine will be placed over your face LED lights of different wavelengths and functions will be emitted onto your skin. The red light works to reduce inflammation and promote better circulation, and the infrared light works to accelerate the skin recovery process.

LED treatment can help to minimize the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and sun-damage. And help reduce bacteria and promote healing to the skin.

Procedure Time: 55 minutes.
Back To Work: Immediately.
Anaesthetic: None.
Full Recovery: Immediately.

Visible immediately, course of 6 treatments recommended for optimum results *

Duration Of Results: Four-Eight weeks *.
Risks & Complications: Redness, skin irritation *.

This procedure can be used to treat:

  • Dull, dehydrated skin.
  • Lines and wrinkles.
  • Sun-damaged skin.
  • Clogged pores and blackheads.
  • Acne and acne scars.

Monthly maintenance appointments are suggested for optimum long lasting results.
Full list of side effects, cautions and contraindications will be discussed face to face at our pre treatment consultation.

Do not apply pressure or hot water to the treated area within 48 hours of procedure. SPF necessary whilst in sunlight, and facial moisturisers are advised to keep your skin healthy after the treatment.

These results can be maintained with further LED facials received every one to two months, which are often especially appreciated during the winter when it can cause the individual to feel like they are being gently exposed to natural, warm sunlight.

While the eyes aren’t harmed or damaged by LEDs and therefore don’t have to be covered, we choose to cover them simply to allow for a more deeply relaxing experience.

There is no risk of burning, as can sometimes occur with laser treatments, and absolutely no chance of discomfort or pain, as can sometimes occur with IPL treatments.

55 minutes £65.00

Sleeping Beauty / Advanced Skincare

Sleeping Beauty

Oxygen is one of the five elements needed to sustain life. Oxygen provides life and energy to every living cell. When oxygen levels become low the immune system is weakened.

The ageing process is associated with a drop in available oxygen in the skin cells. The Oxygen system utilises puncture jet technology that allows oxygen and specially selected skin care actives to be driven into the skin.

Performed in a closed circuit environment, it provides the lower layers of the skin with much needed nutrients to repair and restructure from the inside out.

After a thorough consultation your skincare specialist will choose the best active ingredients to be used with the oxygen system. After a deep cleanse and diamond dermabrasion exfoliation the active serum will be pushed into the skin using the oxygen wand. This process is completely pain free and deeply relaxing.

Your skin therapist will choose a specific mask for you which will then be accompanied with the oxygen mask, allowing further penetration of oxygen into your skin cells.

Oxygen therapy is suitable for most skin types and will help rebuild the skin, smoothe lines and wrinkles and increases skin firmness. Perfect for damaged skin, the use of pure oxygen provides an energising and healing effect to the skin cells.

It is Ideal for acne prone skin due to the anti-bacterial effects of oxygen. Allows the deep penetration of active skin care ingredients into the skin layers to increase the volume of the bio-matrix of the skin thereby plumping and smoothing lines and wrinkles.

It is the most advanced method of replacing lost moisture whilst provides oxygen to all levels of the skin This treatment will stimulates collagen production at a cellular level speeding up the mitosis of the skin cells and helping in the healing process.

Procedure Time: 55 minutes.
Back To Work: Immediately.
Anaesthetic: None.
Full Recovery: Immediately.

Visible immediately, course of 6 treatments recommended for optimum results *

Duration Of Results: Four-Eight weeks *.
Risks & Complications: Redness, skin irritation *.

This procedure can be used to treat:

  • Dull, dehydrated skin.
  • Lines and wrinkles.
  • Sun-damaged skin.
  • Clogged pores and blackheads.
  • Acne and acne scars.

Monthly maintenance appointments are suggested for optimum long lasting results.
Full list of side effects, cautions and contraindications will be discussed face to face at our pre treatment consultation.

Do not apply pressure or hot water to the treated area within 48 hours of procedure. SPF necessary whilst in sunlight, and facial moisturisers are advised to keep your skin healthy after the treatment.

55 minutes £65.00

Flawless Facial

Flawless Facial

This facial treatment involves a double facial peeling process , after a deep cleanse followed by diamond dermabrasion, a glycolic is used to dissolve and lift off dead skin cells . There is specific blackhead extraction and high frequency is used to closed the pores. By using the best products and the most advanced techniques, this treatment offers a truly deep exfoliation experience.

The procedure is particularly useful as a method of blackhead removal. For a deeper cleanse opt for the deluxe treatment, you will receive longer time for blackhead removal and also a hand blended peel off algae mask will be applied. You will also receive a full hand and arm massage and a scalp massage as part of your treatment.

* Results may vary from person to person

Procedure Time: 40 or 55 minutes estimated.
Back To Work: Immediate estimated.
Anaesthetic: None.
Full Recovery: 6 hours estimated.

We recommend a course of 6 facials, once weekly for optimum results *

Duration Of Results: 6 months *.
Risks & Complications: Redness and soreness *.

The deep exfoliation procedure is used for blackhead removal, visible pore reduction and the rejuvenation of dry, dull skin.*

Any client (regardless of age) who wishes to treat any of the issues listed above.

Full list of side effects, cautions and contraindications will be discussed at face to face consultation.

Flawless Facial: 55 minutes £65.00
Express: 40 minutes £55.00

Pro Facial

PRO Facial

PRO Facial is a safe and focused treatment that effectively targets premature ageing. After just one treatment, a fresher, firmer and more youthful appearance can be achieved without the need for downtime.

If you want long-lasting lifting results, a PRO Facial treatment may be exactly what you’re looking for.

LED light therapy is used to bypass the skin’s surface and deliver targeted deep tissue wound healing and the regeneration of important support structures in the skin such as collagen and elastin.

By using focused energy alongside diamond dermabrasion and oxygen therapy, the practitioner is able to deliver this treatment to the location(s) where it will be most beneficial, resulting in an extremely effective treatment. Combining all 4 techniques in one treatment results will be seen in just one session.

1-3 months *
Risks & Complications: Mild redness.

Here are some of the key advantages of the PRO treatment:

  • Stimulates natural collagen production.
  • No recovery time.
  • Noticeable results.
  • Suitable for all skin types.
  • *Results may vary from person to person.

Procedure Time: From 70 minutes estimated.
Back To Work: Immediately estimated.
Anaesthetic: Not required.
Full Recovery: Immediately estimated.
Sensitivity Period: Few hours estimated.
Number of Treatments: 1 treatment per month (may vary from person to person).

70 minutes £69.00

The Glow Up / Advanced Skincare

The Glow Up

What is The Glow Up Skin Tightening Facial?
This treatment uses diamond dermabrasion technology to remove the surface layers of dead skin cells, an Ultrasound wand is massaged over the entire face and neck to increase cell regeneration, targeted radio frequencies are used to heat beneath the skin, breaking down depleted collagen and creating a firmer, more youthful look.* Cryotherapy finishes the treatment closing all pores and soothing the top layers of skin tissue.

Your skin specialist will use advanced massage techniques to stimulate circulation and reduce toxins in the skin. Your skin will appear brighter, hydrated and will have the most luminous glow *

Procedure Time: 70 minutes estimated.
Back To Work: Immediate estimated.
Anaesthetic: None.
Full Recovery: Immediate.

We recommend a course of 6 facials, once weekly for optimum results *

Duration Of Results: 2 months *.

The heat from the radio frequencies helps lift, firm, and refresh the facial skin. The result is a noticeably rejuvenated appearance.*

Anyone, male or female, who wishes to remove wrinkles and lines from the facial area. The radio frequency facial is suitable for all skin types.

Full list of side effects, cautions and contraindications will be discussed at face to face consultation.

55 minutes £69.00

The Illuminator / Advanced Skincare

The Illuminator

This illuminator facial delivers an incredible glow, boosts collagen and is great for anti-ageing. A perfect treatment before a big night out or special event. Completely painless, results are instant.

This facial is suitable for most skin types, however acne skin types will need to be treated with other treatments first to help clear the skin of bacteria.

This facial starts with a glycol and salicylic cleanse, a mild peel is then applied to remove dead skin cells, exfoliate and purify the skin. The outer layers of the skin will then be infused with a cocktail of hylaouronic acid and other ingredients using a nappage technique – you will not feel any discomfort during this process.

A colagen mask will be applied to boost hydration and lock in the moisture, you will then receive 20 minutes under our led canopy which will accelerate all of the above treatments.

You can receive this treatment as a ‘one off’ before a special event or as monthly maintenance facials to keep your skin fresh and healthy.

Do not apply pressure or hot water to the treated area within 48 hours of procedure. SPF necessary whilst in sunlight, and facial moisturisers are advised to keep your skin healthy after the treatment.

55 minutes £69.00

Iconic Facial / Advanced Skincare

Iconic Facial

Great for deep cleansing, stimulating circulation, blackhead removal, brightening, hydrating, infusion of products and exfoliating. Suitable for all skin types except environmentally stressed, sensitive, lots of broken capillaries, extreme active acne and very frail old skin!

Our most advanced skin treatment to date! A cocktail infusion using the newest tool to reach our medispa. Dermastamping- this tool creates tiny pathways allowing your chosen product to reach below the epidermis. This facial also includes ultrasonic cleansing, dermabrasion, glycolic peel, steam, extractions, vacuum suction, gold eye mask, gel face mask and massage.

This facial starts with a glycolic and salicylic cleanse, a mild peel is then applied to remove dead skin cells, exfoliate and purify the skin. The outer layers of the skin will then be infused with a cocktail of hylaouronic acid and other ingredients using a nappage technique – you will not feel any discomfort during this process.

A collagen mask will be applied to boost hydration and lock in the moisture, you will then receive 20 minutes under our led canopy which will accelerate all of the above treatments.

Do not apply pressure or hot water to the treated area within 48 hours of procedure. SPF necessary whilst in sunlight, and facial moisturisers are advised to keep your skin healthy after the treatment.

Treatment Price £79.00
Maintenance Treatments £69.00

* Once you’ve had this treatment we will also include dermastamping onto the end of any other facial you have with us every time completely FREE!

Advanced Facials Pricing…

Clear & Clarify / 55 minutes £55.00
Clear & Clarify: Express / 25 minutes £35.00
Luminous Lift / 55 minutes £64.00
Sleeping Beauty / 55 minutes £64.00
Flawless Facial / 40 minutes £54.00
Flawless Facial: Deluxe / 55 minutes £64.00
Pro Facial / 70 minutes £69.00
The Glow Up / 70 minutes £69.00
The Illuminator / 55 minutes £69.00
Iconic Facial £79.00
Iconic Facial Maintenance Treatments £69.00